Course Outline

Day 1

- Container technology Docker and Linux

- Container lifecycle Docker

- Working with images Docker

- Communication network between containers

- Data persistence in containers

- Container orchestration requirements and available options

- Introduction to Kubernetes and other orchestration systems

- Fundamental concepts from Kubernetes: Pods, labels, controllers, services, secrets, persistent data volumes, claims, namespaces, quotas.

Second day

- Reference architecture of Kubernetes and its main components

- Container network model in Kubernetes

- Service discovery, scaling and load balancing

- DNS for service discovery

- Ingress controller and reverse proxy

- Application state persistence and data volume model in Kubernetes

- Storage backend in Kubernetes: local, NFS, GlusterFS, Ceph

- Cluster management

- Deployment of applications and services on a cluster Kubernetes

Third day

- Advanced controllers: Daemon Sets and Stateful Sets

- Jobs and Cron jobs

- Stand-alone pods

- Storage classes and dynamic storage provisioning

- Network Policies

- Securing a cluster Kubernetes

- Authentication, authorization and access control

- High availability of the control plane

- Auto scaling

- Cluster monitoring

- Troubleshooting


Familiarity with using command line Linux, file system Linux, networks Linux, bash scripts. Computer programming concepts and methodologies. Familiarity with container technology Docker and Linux.

 21 Hours

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